You can edit the text for each command to suit your needs in plugin settings.
Commands can be accessed with '!', '@', '.', '/!', '/@', '/.', or just '/'.
Universal Commands
Command Default Text Params Description Confirm Command yes None The in-game command used for confirming other commands when needed. Must be active. Must be accessible under 'Any'. Must use 'yes' as command text. Cannot be denied for any role. Cancel Command no None The in-game command used to cancel other commands when needed. Must be active. Must be accessible under 'Any'. Must use 'no' as command text. Cannot be denied for any role Action Commands
Command Default Text Params Description Kill Player kill None
[reportID][reason]The in-game command used for killing players. If the player is dead, they will be killed on spawn. Kill Player (Force) fkill None
[reportID][reason]Bypasses all extra functionality of the regular kill command, issuing admin kill on them immediately. Kick Player kick None
[reportID][reason]The in-game command used for kicking players. Temp-Ban Player tban [duration]
[duration][reportID][reason]The in-game command used for temp-banning players. Default time is in minutes, but the number can have a letter after it designating the units. e.g. 2h for 2 hours. Valid suffixes are m, h, d, w, and y. Perma-Ban Player ban None
[reportID][reason]The in-game command used for perma-banning players. Future Perma-Ban Player fban [time]
[time][reportID][reason]The in-game command used for future-banning players. Default time is in minutes, but the number can have a letter after it designating the units. e.g. 2h for 2 hours. Valid suffixes are m, h, d, w, and y.
Future ban is the exact opposite of a temp-ban. Enter the time the player has until they are permabanned. This is used for requesting action/videos/etc from players, giving them a time frame to do so. Ban is enforced on-join only, not during gameplay. This command can only be used when ban enforcer is enabled.Unban Player unban [player] OR
[player][reason]The in-game command used for unbanning players. This command can only be used when ban enforcer is enabled. Punish Player punish None
[reportID][reason]The in-game command used for punishing players. Will add a Punish record to the database, increasing a player's total points according to your settings, and issue the configured action for that point value. Forgive Player forgive None
[reportID][reason]The in-game command used for forgiving players. Will add a Forgive record to the database, decreasing a player's total points by 1. Warn Player warn None
[reportID][reason]The in-game command used for warning players. This will give them a verbal warning across their screen, and log that they were warned. Mute Player mute None
[reportID][reason]The in-game command used for muting players. Players will be muted till the end of the round, X kills then kick if they keep talking. Admins cannot be muted. On-Death Move Player move None
[reportID]The in-game command used for moving players between teams. Will add players to the "on-death" move list, when they die they will be sent to TeamSwap. If the player is already dead, this command automatically changes to force move. Force-Move Player fmove None
[reportID]The in-game command used for force-moving players between teams. Will immediately send the given player to TeamSwap. Join Player join [player]
[reportID]The in-game command used for joining player's squads. Will immediately send the speaker to the target if possible, within access limitations. Pull Player pull [player] Pulls a player to your current squad, killing them in the process. Mark Player mark [player] Marks a player for admin notification if they leave the server. Lock Player lock [player] Locks a player from admin commands for 10 minutes. Only the locking admin will be able to act on them. Unlock Player unlock [player] Allows the locking admin to unlock a currently locked player. TeamSwap Self moveme None The in-game command used for moving yourself between teams. Will immediately send the speaker to TeamSwap. Lead Current Squad lead none
[player]The in-game command used to the speaker to leader of their current squad. When targeted at a player, that player will be given leader of their current squad. Only available in BF4. Assist Losing Team assist none The in-game command used to join the weak/losing team. Blocked from usage until 2 minutes into any round. Blocked from usage when teams are within 60 tickets of each other. Kill Self killme None The in-game command used for killing the speaker. Specific timeout of 10 minutes to avoid abuse. Server Nuke nuke [US/RU/ALL] The in-game command used for killing all players in a subset. US, RU, or ALL will work. Server Nuke Winning Team wnuke none The in-game command used for killing all players on the winning team when they also have more map control. SwapNuke Server swapnuke none The in-game command used for team-switching all players in the server. THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL, AND SHOULD BE USED WITH CAUTION. MULTIBalancer unswitcher is automatically disabled when using this command, and re-enabled once complete. Kick All Guests kickall None The in-game command used for kicking all players except admins. Dequeue Player Action deq [player] Canceles all queued actions on the target player. Moves, kills, etc. Manage AFK Players afk None Calls the AFK Management functionality manually. Cannot be used if AFK payers are being managed automatically. Force Player Loadout floadout [player] If the loadout enforcer is installd and enabled then this command will force that player up to trigger level enforcement. Set Own Battlecry battlecry NONE Sets the current player's battlecry. This will be displayed to the server when they spawn for the first time during a session. Set Player Battlecry setbattlecry [player] Sets a players current battlecry. This will be displayed to the server when they spawn for the first time during a session. This command overrides the word filter for battle cries. Force Manual Player Ping fping [player] Forces AdKats to ignore what the server claims a player's ping is, instead manually fetching the ping using procon. Link Player to Discord Member discordlink [player][discordmember] This command links a player with an active Discord member by ID. Sometimes this is required if their name in game vs discord does not match. Special Player Group Commands
Command Default Text Params Description Reserved Slot Player reserved [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to reserved slots for the current server. The setting "Feed Server Reserved Slots" must be enabled to use this command. Un-Reserved Slot Player unreserved [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from reserved slots for the current server. The setting "Feed Server Reserved Slots" must be enabled to use this command. Spectator Slot Player spectator [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to spectator list for the current server. The setting "Feed Server Spectator List" must be enabled to use this command. Un-Spectator Slot Player unspectator [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from spectator slots for the current server. The setting "Feed Server Spectator List" must be enabled to use this command. Ping Whitelist Player pwhitelist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the ping kick whitelist for all servers. Un-Ping Whitelist Player unpwhitelist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from ping kick whitelist for all servers. AA Whitelist Player aawhitelist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the Admin Assistant whitelist for all servers. Un-AA Whitelist Player unaawhitelist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from Admin Assistant whitelist for all servers. SpamBot Whitelist Player spamwhitelist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the SpamBot whitelist for all servers. Un-SpamBot Whitelist Player unspamwhitelist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from SpamBot whitelist for all servers. Autobalance Whitelist Player mbwhitelist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to MULTIBalancer whitelist for the current server. The setting "Feed MULTIBalancer Whitelist" must be enabled to use this command. Remove Autobalance Whitelist unmbwhitelist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from MULTIBalancer whitelist for the current server. "Feed MULTIBalancer Whitelist" must be enabled to use this command. Autobalance Disperse Player disperse [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to MULTIBalancer even dispersion for the current server. The setting "Feed MULTIBalancer Even Dispersion List" must be enabled to use this command. Remove Autobalance Dispersion undisperse [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from MULTIBalancer even dispersion for the current server. "Feed MULTIBalancer Even Dispersion List" must be enabled to use this command. Spectator Blacklist Player specblacklist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the Spectator Blacklist for all servers. Players under this group will not be able to enter the server as a spectator. Un-Spectator Blacklist Player unspecblacklist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from Spectator Blacklist for all servers. Report Whitelist Player rwhitelist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the Report Whitelist for all servers. Players under this group cannot be reported. Un-Report Whitelist Player unrwhitelist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from Report Whitelist for all servers. Report Source Blacklist Player rblacklist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the Report Source Blacklist for all servers. Players under this group cannot issue reports against anyone. Un-Report Source Blacklist Player unrblacklist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from Report Source Blacklist for all servers. Populator Whitelist Player popwhitelist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the Populator Whitelist for all servers. Used when only allowing approved populators to be considered for automatic populator perks. Setting section B27-2. Un-Populator Blacklist Player unpopwhitelist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from Populator Whitelist for all servers. TeamKillTracker Whitelist Player tkwhitelist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the TeamKillTracker Whitelist for all servers. "Feed TeamKillTracker Whitelist" must be enabled to use this command. Un-TeamKillTracker Whitelist Player untkwhitelist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from TeamKillTracker Whitelist for all servers. "Feed TeamKillTracker Whitelist" must be enabled to use this command. AntiCheat Whitelist Player acwhitelist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the AntiCheat Whitelist for all servers. A player under AntiCheat whitelist will not be acted on in any way by either the normal AntiCheat scripts or by the LIVE system. Remove AntiCheat Whitelist unacwhitelist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from AntiCheat Whitelist for all servers. Command Target Whitelist Player cwhitelist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the Command Target Whitelist for all servers. A player under Command Target whitelist cannot be targeted by any commands configured in the 'Command Target Whitelist Commands' setting. Remove Command Target Whitelist uncwhitelist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from Command Target Whitelist for all servers. Auto-Assist Blacklist Player auablacklist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the Auto-Assist Blacklist for all servers. A player under Auto-Assist Blacklist will always be checked if they are able to assist the weak team, and if they are they are automatically moved to that team. Remove Auto-Assist Blacklist unauablacklist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from Auto-Assist Blacklist for all servers. All-Caps Chat Blacklist Player allcapsblacklist [duration or 'perm']
[duration or 'perm'][player]
[duration or 'perm'][player][reason]The in-game command used for adding a player to the All-Caps Chat Blacklist for all servers. A player under All-Caps Chat Blacklist will be specifically enforced by the all-caps monitoring system. Remove All-Caps Chat Blacklist unallcapsblacklist [player] The in-game command used for removing a player from All-Caps Chat Blacklist for all servers. Reporting Commands
Command Default Text Params Description Report Player report [player][reason] The in-game command used for reporting players. Must have a reason, and will inform a player otherwise when used incorrectly. Will log a Report in the database (External GCP pulls from there for external admin notifications), and notify all in-game admins. Informs the reporter and admins of the report ID, which the punish system can use. Call Admin admin [player][reason] The in-game command used for calling admin attention to a player. Same deal as report, but used for a different reason. Informs the reporter and admins of the report ID, which the punish system can use. Accept Round Report accept [reportID] The in-game command used for accepting reports as confirmed. Deny Round Report deny [reportID] The in-game command used for denying reports. Ignore Round Report ignore [reportID] The in-game command used for ignoring reports. Contest Report contest None Usable by players to contest round reports before admins act on them. Communication Commands
Command Default Text Params Description Admin Say say [message]
[preMessageID]The in-game command used to send a message through admin chat to the whole server. Player Say psay [player][message]
[player][preMessageID]The in-game command used for sending a message through admin chat to only a specific player. Chat access must be AnyHidden. Admin Yell yell [message]
[preMessageID]The in-game command used for to send a message through admin yell to the whole server. Player Yell pyell [player][message]
[player][preMessageID]The in-game command used for sending a message through admin yell to only a specific player. Chat access must be AnyHidden. Admin Tell tell [message]
[preMessageID]The in-game command used for to send a message through both admin say and admin yell to the whole server. Player Tell ptell [player][message]
[player][preMessageID]The in-game command used for sending a message through both admin say and admin yell to only a specific player. Chat access must be AnyHidden. Player Private Message msg [player][message] Opens a conversation with the given player. The player can either be in the current server, or any other BF3/BF4 server on your database. Player Private Reply r [message] Replies to a currently open conversation with the given message. Admin Private Message adminmsg [message] Sends a message to all online admins in the server. They can then open a private message with the sender to reply to the admin message. Server Countdown cdown [seconds] [squad/team/all] [reason] The in-game command used for issuing countdowns on a subset of players. Information Commands
Command Default Text Params Description What Is whatis [commandName]
[preMessageID]The in-game command used for finding out what a particular preMessage ID, or command name, means. Request Rules rules none
[player]The in-game command used to request the server rules. When targeted at a player, that player will be told the server rules. When targeted at a player, the command goes on timeout for that player. Request Online Admins admins none The in-game command used to get the list of current online admins. Request Uptimes uptime none The in-game command used to get the uptime of the server, procon/layer, AdKats, and several other things. List Round Reports reportlist none The in-game command used to get the latest 6 unanswered round reports. VOIP voip None The in-game command used for sending VOIP server info to the speaker. Fetch Player Info pinfo [player] Fetches extended information about the player. Player name, ID, role, team name, team position, current score, time first seen, amount of time spent on current server, city location, IP change count, reports from/against during current round, infraction points, last punishment time/reason, reputation, and previous names. Fetch Player Chat pchat None
self [player]
[chatLines] self [player]
[chatLines][player1][player2]Fetches chat history or conversation history between players. Request Reputation rep none
[player]The in-game command used to request the server reputation. When targeted at a player, you will be told that player's reputation. Requesting a player's reputation other than your own is admin only. Request Server Commands help None Lists the server commands you can access. Find Player find [player] Returns the team, position, and score, of the targeted player. Chat access must be AnyHidden. Player Is Admin isadmin [player] Returns whether the given player is an admin, and states their role. Fetch Admin Status isadmin [player] Fetches the admin status and current role of the player. Fetch Player Loadout loadout [player] If the loadout enforcer is installed and enabled this command will return a player's current loadout. Fetch Player Perks perks None
[player]Returns a player's current active perks and when they are set to expire. Fetch Player Ping ping None
[player]Returns a player's current and average ping. Debug Assist Losing Team dassist [player] Returns whether a player is able to assist or not, and why. Logging Commands
Command Default Text Params Description Log Player Information log [player][message] The in-game command used for logging a message on a player's record. Does not affect their gameplay in any way. Give Server Feedback feedback message Logs the given message as feedback for the server. Voting Commands
Command Default Text Params Description Vote Surrender surrender none The in-game command used for starting/voting for a round surrender. Losing team specific, but either surrender or votenext can be used. Vote Next Round votenext none The in-game command used for starting/voting for a round surrender. Losing team specific, but either surrender or votenext can be used. Vote Against Surrender nosurrender none The in-game command used for voting AGAINST a currently active round surrender. This command may only be used by the losing team.